Magic Item – Arcane Gauntlet

Arcane Gauntlets are small devices of leather and copper fitted to the wearer’s primary hand and feature a small, thin gem imbued with pure arcane energies affixed to the palm. As a standard action the wearer of an Arcane Gauntlet may release its energies up to four times in a single encounter safely, and up […]

Thunder Rift – Assault on Raven’s Ruin

I have never made it a secret that Thunder Rift was one of my favorite settings for Basic edition D&D. I’ve gone as far as bugging the good folks over at Save or Die to do some reviews on the early 90s settings (to a response of a resounding no).  Much of my love for […]

A Note on Expansion

One of the things that has been holding PotLK back has been expanding it. The Old Entry: Baleful Construct  <I>A towering figure rising from sands as if waking from a long nap.  Eldritch green light crackles from its joints and seams.  It turns its head toward you disgorging a wave of sand and debris as it opens a […]

Genius Loci’s Outlook for Feb/March 2016

Gate File 001 – First Approach This is the next and the big project for the month of February for my Patreon and the one I want to push for public release in March/April.  The Gate File is being developed for 5th Edition SRD and will incorporate Modern rules and make suggestions as to that […]

As Doctor Samuel Beckett would say “Ooooh Boy.”

2015 was in may ways the lowest point in the existence of Genius Loci Games. Some of this was due to a lot of changes in the real world during that year. The continued loss of employment, my family’s move to the state of Texas, and many – oh so many – computer issues. Couple […]

Artist Spotlight – Danny Prescott

Note:  This is something I rarely get to do but think I should do more often.  I also encourage the other OSR/Gaming bloggers out there to look into do this as well. Basq by Danny Prescott Copyright 2014-2015 Genius Loci Games There are a number of artists that I have worked with in the last […]

Mini-Review: Mutants & Marvels

I’ve had Mutants & Marvels(aff) in my collection for a long time now.  I remember picking up the 1.0 version when it was a “New Product” over at drive-thru rpg … hell, I even had the thing printed at the local Staples and bound for later use. Then I promptly forgot about it. This week […]

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