Cat-Sith Cartographer – Clases of Eira Preview

Earlier I discussed the idea of race specific and how in my own development I am creating two to three classes per race in my setting. The following is one of the classes, however, I have not [for the moment at least] released the basics information for the race. The Cartographer was an interesting creation […]

OVA: I am promoting a non-OSR Kickstarter!

To be quite honest this game does not in any shape, way or means need to be promoted. It is already at 1,200% of goal, so this is a successful game. The reason I’m promoting this game is that it looks slick! Just based on the 3 free character books that the publisher has issued […]

On Spell Components

Before I begin, I must once again stress that I never or rarely play a spellcasting class. When I do, it is typically a Bard or a Cleric. As such there exist aspects of the typical arcane spellcaster that I do not understand and, given my reluctance to play as one, probably never will understand. […]

Darkholm Keep – Places of Azure Marsh Preview

Darkholm Keep – Places of Azure Marsh Preview The Following is a preview of the lost dwarven clan, The Dark-Irons, home in the Forest of Eternal Night. It will feature in rumors and possible side-quests in a lot of the Eira material I’m making. Especially the Azure March/Mad Magus adventure I am slowly crafting. To […]

A Quick Note on Race Specific Classes in Lands of Eira

As I’ve mentioned before my favorite version of Swords & Wizardry is the Third Printing. That printing of the S&W rules featured an option to play as one of the three core classes (Cleric, Fighting-Man and Magic-User) or as a slower moving but further advancing race specific class. In a lot of respects this was […]

Space, the Final Froniter … 3

Fleet Security Security Officers are assigned to starships, bases and ground bases controlled by the Federation. Security Officers are typically responsible with keeping their duty station secure and to assure the normal operations of their duty post. Security Officers are responsible for the prevention, investigation of criminal acts as well as to provide personal protection […]

Quick Note: Fantasy Grounds Virtual Con

Just a reminder or a heads-up for everyone out there! This weekend is Fantasy Grounds Virtual-Con 2013. Virtual-Con is a full weekend of online table-top gaming featuring a variety of systems and play-styles Using Smiteworks Fantasy Grounds 2 VTT. The Con starts on Friday, May 31st and runs until June 2nd. Now for the best […]

Attributes pounderings

Well, one vacation down and another coming up! But enough about that, let’s discuss the idea of attributes! As a few of my posts have shown, I am not just planning and thinking about my Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh setting “Lands of Eira”. I am also, working slowly on a fan rpg of Star Trek. Obviously this is […]

Pair Dadeni – Mystical Items of Eira Preview

According to Welsh mythology the Pair Dadeni is a large cauldron that can bring the dead back to life. The cauldron has no origin outside of being among the belongings of the giants Gyfnewid and Cyminfoll. Tragedy seems to follow the owners of the cauldron as the giants were burned out of their home by […]

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