Primeval Thule – Kickstarter Barking

A new RPG kickstarter from some WOTC alumni. It looks good and has some neat rewards. The setting is compatible with $e, Pathfinder and 13th Age. Oh and did I mention that it is basically a Howard vs Lovecraft setting? Oh yes, yes indeed. Why am I supporting this book? 1. Howard vs. Lovecraft 2. […]

5-Minute Adventures – Whitebox

The following is a quick adventure meant to “fill the gaps”. My apologizes for the crude map. I did not have proper supplies or hardware and was limited to MSPaint. If anyone happens to run this adventure please tell me how it went and what improvements I could make to it. I can be e-mailed […]

Bone Spiders – Generic Creatures for any setting

Bone Spider Hit Dice:3 to 6+2 Armor Class:  3 [16] Attacks: Bite (1d6+2) Saving Throw: 11 Special: Piercing weapons due half damage, 25% magic Resistance, Regenerate, Surprise, Undead, Web Alignment: Neutral Challenge Level/XP:  4 – 6/120 – 400 Bone Spiders are malign spirits who form their bodies from the bones of the dead and who […]

Wirry-Carle – Creatures of Eira Preview

In Celtic folklore the Wirry-Carle or Wirry- Cowe are a malevolent fae spirit that serves much the same purpose as bugbears and goblins in Northern Europe. As such there is little definitive information about these creatures as they morph to become whatever the teller of a tale needs them to be. In Eira however … […]

Quick Note: Avarice and Ambition Delayed

Unforunately due to how late in the week I got my printed copy of A&A back I do not have a review ready for the game. I find this unfortunate because I was really looking forward to talking about about all the exciting things I keep uncovering. I am hoping I can finish up tonight […]

Addendum to Grate Tentacles & Stone Hold (Night) – Nidhog preview

A small addendum to Grate Tentacles that fall in with the creature’s special ability “Grapple” and the appearance of the creature. The grappled target of the Grate Tentacle can break free of the grapple with a successful saving throw. Grate Tentacles will appear suddenly and randomly, granting the creature surprise in initiative. ~*~ In the […]

Grate Tentacles – Generic Creatures for any setting

The following is a generic monster that can fit into nearly any setting and is not specific to Eira. Sorry for the short post today, everyone, busy day ahead and behind me already. For any who live in PA, I would just like to say I take I-81 to work. That should be explanation enough. […]

A Little More on Kreo-O Dungeons & Dragons

I am still excited by the announcement of the Kreo-O Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) line coming out next January for the potential it holds. Up until this announcement Hasbro has been extraordinarily quiet of its ownership of Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) and through WOTC the D&D franchise. This has always struck me as strange […]

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