Quick Note – I am your master … if you go to MEPAcon

On the weekend of November 8th (specially the 9th) I will be running two games for the Swords & Wizardry OSR system at MEPAcon. If anyone is in the Northeastern PA or nearby New York and New Jersey and isn’t doing anything for that weekend. From 9 am to 12 noon on the 9th I […]

Ragmen – Generic Monsters for Any setting

I’ve been wanting to make these guys for awhile, now I am and I am gleefully waiting to sic these little guys on my daughter and her friends! ~*~ Ragmen “Never forget; never deny the existence of the ragmen. Born of fear and madness they groan and crawl. Born of madness they wrap and entwine. […]

The Other Game – Cheating on the OSR

It is no secret that the majority of the gaming that I do is with my daughter and her friends. With few exceptions I am the referee or game master and as such we typically play S&W core or Whitebox or some amalgamation of the two that I happen to be experimenting with. However, there […]

Next Adventure Question

So the next five-minute adventure is a pretty big one, with a estimated 10 pages of adventure. Compared to my previous 4 adventures (4 you ask?) which topped out at 5 to 6 pages this is quite a leap forward. The more I work on these adventures with the generic “Town” the more the place […]

Kickerstarter Barking: Demon Wars Reformation by R.A. & Brain Salvatore

Time to bark again for a kickstarter project. This one is already successful, but given the pedigree of the designers I would venture to look into it. The game boosts to be Salvatore and son’s take on old school game mechanics set in the world of R.A. Salvatore’s “Demon Wars” novels which are really great […]

Wayne Rossi’s Dungeon Crawl Issue Three released

The third issue of +Wayne Rossi’s OSR magazine “Dungeon Crawl” has been released and features new magic items, encounters, dungeons and most importantly (to me) my Blood Witch class for Swords & Wizardry! I just finished printing out my .pdf copy of the magazine so expect a review sometime between now and Tuesday. While you […]

Fear Doirche – Creatures of Eira Preview

Fear Doirche Hit Dice: 10 + 6 Armor Class: 1[19] Attacks: Weapon (Fae Great Sword (unique), 2d10+4) Saving Throw: 5 Move: 12[60’] Special: Fae Step, Greater Immortal Fae, Iron Resistance Challenge Level/Experience: 13/2,300 The Queens of the Au-Sidhe and Un-Sidh courts have many agents in both the mortal and immortal realms. However, these agents pale […]

Gamers: Hands of Fate Released!

The new Gamers movie “Hands of Fate” has been released and is avialable free or $10 for an HD download. Go watch it now! The Three Gamers films have been some of the best examples of Roleplaying life and should entertain all who have an interest in the hobby! http://watchthegamers.com/

Gargoyle of the Lost Clan – Generic, serial numbers filed off class for OSR games.

The following came at the request of an old friend of mine a few weeks back. I feel bad that it has taken so long to get this written-up, but as I said earlier today during my Quick Note, life has been kicking my rear lately. For probably everyone who will see this, the inspiration […]

Quick Note: OSR Supers update

Quick update on the Supers game I am developing. Powers and Skills systems are done, but besides that I am a bit behind schedule due to family and work issues. I am hoping for a mid-September release of an Alpha/playtest version of the game to hand out and run over hangouts Roll20.

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