Hakkenslash – Nice and Simple

Hakkenslash is a simple xd6 system created by fellow blogger +S.D. Houston. I’m still fiddling with the system and making character sand throwing them at the monsters provided in the release, but I can say that as it stands, this may replace my own modified S&W system for the game I play with the kids on […]

Coffee and Watch

Coffee Coffee gives a +4 circumstance bonus to all saves for staying awake, alertness, and reaction for 1d6 – cups drank. After the Positive effects of coffee wear off the drinker of the coffee incurs a -2 circumstance penalty to all the saves mentioned above for 1d4 + number of cups drank. ~*~  Coffee as I’m […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 10 – I’m rather boring

The only time I played a hexcrawl (and this will tell everyone why I dislike them), the party ended up lost in the forest. By lost I mean they walked in circles for the entire 3 hours of game play. Actual circles, passing the same rocks, river and troll who ATTEMPTED TO GIVE THEM DIRECTIONS! […]


Up until the end of the new design contest I will be playing around with the site, the backgrounds and such. Any input is welcome as I am attempting to make things as … honestly I don’t know what I’m attempting here. Anyway, sorry if things break every once in awhile until this is all […]

Quick Note – Updates Galore!

This is the first post I am writing in Google Docs. I am somewhat excited about this as I may finally be free of the claws of Office! Update 1 – OCR Super Powers OCR Supers has gone back to the drawing board and the 20 pages I had of powers, skills and genral non-combat […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 9 – There are Others?

I’ll take this question under both ways I read it: 1: If we are talking about pre-existing characters that others have played in games we have either run or been other players then hands down my favorite is a gnomish Rogue player by a friend of mine over Fantasy Grounds a few years back. His […]

New Design Contest

A simple contest for everyone out there. I’m looking to make the Genius Loci Blog more unique in its imagery as such I am holding a contest. Until October 1, 2013 I will accept all submissions for a new banner image and text for the the blog (see the current old map and Ariel font). […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 8 So Many Voices Echoing

Despite the name of the post I have almost always been behind the Dungeon Master’s screen and have rarely ever stepped away from it to roll some dice. Others may be able to recount limitless alter-egos, knights and wizards, heroes and superheroes … I, however, have very few to account for in both my mind […]

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