Fae Cat – Creatures of Eira Preview

Fae Cat Armor Class: 7[12] Hit Dice: 1/per level Attack: Claws (2d4+2/4 levels), Bite (1d4+2/4 levels) Save: 18 Move: 15 Specials: Empathic Alignment: Neutral Challenge Level/XP: 2/40 Fae cats are small felines that look almost like a normal domesticated house cat. However, Fae cats have larger eyes and ears than their domestic cousins. Despite their […]

30 Day Challenge – Days 12 and 13

Day 12 – Nature Survives as it Always Does There are so many different dungeon types in fantasy. So many places to explore, conquer and bring the towering light of good into that trying to pick just one type is astonishingly hard. However after long thought (not really that long and honestly what else should […]

Supers Update

I had a great post written and then the power went out. So cliff notes this time: 1. After the character creation segment in yesterday’s post I was energized to start working on the supers game again. 2. Finished writing the revamped rules for Health, Death and Regeneration 3. Started revamping the powers section to […]

Fenodaree – Creatures of Eira Preview

Fenodaree Armor Class: 7[12] Hit Dice: <1 Attack: 1d4 Save: 18 Move: 12 Specials: None Alignment: Neutral Challenge Level/XP: B/10 Fenodaree are small child-like fae who, when the war between the courts began, fled to the mortal realm. The Fenodaree look like young, healthy children with wild, strangely colored hair and have goat legs. The […]

Tabletop Connect

originally shared by +Youseph Tanha over at the +Swords & Wizardry Discussion page on Google Plus, Tabletop Connect is a Kickstarter for a new Virtual Tabletop that promises a lot from 3d maps to being system agnostic. It looks interesting and honestly, while I have been a fan of +Fantasy Grounds and +Roll20 I think I’m ready for a move. The player […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 12 – Those poor wood nymphs.

In my life-time as a Dm/GM/Referee/Story Teller – and whatever other names could be given to the guy behind the screen – I’ve told ran a heck of a lot of adventures. Everyone of them have had things about them, players and events that will always be grand memories to me. It is hard to […]

OSR Supers – Pre-alpha rules creation and combat rules compile

The following is an example of Character creation in the Supers Game I’ve just started to re-develop. Input would be most excellent. Unless otherwise specified by the Referee all characters start with fifteen dice that can be placed in Abilities, Skills, and Powers. Once the allotment of dice is made the player will roll the […]

Eira Preview – Selected Letters of Fili Brigish on dwarves and the Alfheimer

Letter 17 The dwarves have spoken little of their time in the far lands. They seem as if both wanting to forget the war they fled and prepare for its eventual return.  Not even in drink will they speak of the old world, of strange dark-haired men and creatures known as Alfheimers. If they do […]

Drivethru Drop box – Second Run

Drivethru just released its second Tabletop Dropbox. I’ve already grabbed it and am very happy because at least 2 of the titles in the dropbox are things I was drooling over (I’m looking at you Nova Praxis and House of Cards)). The bundle is pay what you want so you could very well get it […]

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