Quick Note – My EOS Adventure cover design mark2
This is my second cover for the Edge of Space adventure I am working on. Thoughts?
This is my second cover for the Edge of Space adventure I am working on. Thoughts?
Time for the usual bi-weekly update on everything that I’m up to for this blog and various project. 1. Edge of Space – Finished a small adventure this morning for this Space Marine action game by Chubby Monster. I still need to draw the maps and go through second proofreading but the game should hopefully […]
Just a really quick note here, Brave Halfling games who have previous brought us the S&W White Box boxset (seriously can I get one of these I missed out!) and X-Plorers has recently released some new material for X-Plorers. What is it? A guide to building and playing as Alien or Robot characters! This means for […]
Not really a monster, but back in the days of 3.5 and the Paizo controlled Dragon magazine, a player-character race with an EL +2 was released called the Nymph. I no longer have the magazine thanks to a flood back in 2005, but from what I remember the race was awesome. The Nymph was described […]
Just a quick peak at a part of the system that is currently being developed and refined. Perks as currently planned are an utterly optional feature in the Supers system that is currently under development in my spare time. Previously we went over basic character creation, including abilities, powers and skills. These three things are […]
Yesterday I barked for Chubby Monster Games’ FATE module “The Shrine of Olikulese” a fantasy based adventure for the FATE Accelerated Edition version of the FATE rules. Before I begin my mini-review of the module I most open with the caveat that FATE is not my system of choice when it comes to gaming. I […]
The winner (and only entry) into the Pirate Day contest is +peewee rota whose entry did a very good job of not only staying in Pirate Speak but also was a good example of a pirate story that was not a classical or fantasy adventure. Good going +peewee rota e-mail me (geniuslocigames@gmail.com) the e-mail address you use for drivethru […]
Captain Amil Starstrider (Displaced – Unique) Hit Dice: 7+7 (45) Armor Class: 3[16] Attacks: Officer’s Beam Saber (1d6+3), Photon Blaster (1d6+2) Special: Displaced Aura Move: 30 Saving Throw: 14 Alignment: Law Challenge Level/XP: 5/240 Displaced Aura – Like other Displaced, only Captain Starstrider can use weapons that were carried over with him. If any person […]
I typically don’t use elemental creatures in any of my games, but that doesn’t mean I’ve never used them. I once wanted to run an adventure in the bowels of an active volcano. The players were tasked by the temple of a nearby town threatened by the volcano’s eruption to find the cause of the […]
As +Moe Tousignant has already mentioned over at google+ the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1e) module Temple of Elemental Evil is free for a spell. This is a module I’ve always wanted to pick-up due to the excellent PC game of the early 2000s and now I can. I just hope I can convert it to Basic […]