Quick Note: Holy Crap! A Emberverse Game!

Where are my Clan Juniper tartans?! Quickly, boyos, grab your bows! I love S.M. Sterling’s Emberverse books, I mean I love them. I’ve read them all, I own all the audiobook versions so I can listen to them. They are honestly great reading! Now this morning I find this over at RPGnow! Treasure at the […]

Quick Note – The Vile Worm

The Vile Worm by Arcane Creations has been available over at RPGnow for four days. It is a short scenario adventure for Swords & Wizardry and is a fun little rump. I ran the adventure for my NPC party during lunch today and TPK’d during the fight with the worm itself What really makes the […]

Enchanted Muira – Creatures of Eira Preview

The enchanted Moira is surprisingly of Spanish and Portuguese folklore and not the Gaelic I normally go for.  However, I have always enjoyed the idea of these women bound by some oath or curse to protect a place or treasure. They are, too me, some of the saddest figures in the realm of folklore because […]

30 Day Challenge – Danny Glover?!

One idea I’ve always had for a character is of the grizzled veteran, the guy with one day left until retirement who wants nothing more than to claim a plot of land as his pension from the his king and be a simple farmer until he dies. Someone who has seen and been through war, […]

Quick Note – Cess-Pit of the Bog Mother is #2 at PRGnow

Just wanted to give a quick congratulations to +Jeff Dee for his adventure “Cess-Pit of the Bog Mother” taking the number 2 spot over at RPGnow. +Erik Tenkar over at Tenkars Tavern did a review of the adventure and I’ve looked over it myself. It is quite fun and not too hard on the wallet so go check it out and […]

30 Day Challenge – Catching Up to the Wagon

Dungeons & Dragons 30 Day challenge – Days 21 through 26 Day 21 – Dragons, dragons everywhere and not a dwarf in sight The question suggests that this would be one of the Chromatic, Metallic or Lung dragons of Dungeons and Dragons lore. The great intelligent lizards that are and are from magic, who can […]

EoS – MARS exo-suit

I am still stuck in a bit of a Sci-Fi move due to all the work I’m doing to finish off this “Edge of Space” adventure for +matt jackson ‘s “Edge of Space” roleplaying game. As such, I have some extra, non-cannon, splat-booky like material to throw out there for the game. Hopefully I will not be […]

Quick Note – GSR Quick info on villian creation

I plan for GSR to come with a few pre-generated villians for the heroes to face. Minions of higher powers, mobsters, and low level alien threats, however, the crux of the villians/monster/creatures in GSR should be unque and made by the referee for his or her unque vision of the game. Villian Creation in a […]

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