Quick Note – Five things to remember in a post-apocalyptic setting.

There are many things to remember when your combing the wastelands of a future suburbia. Mind the zombies, don’t anger the mutants and remember to have a melee option. However, there are actually quite a few “real” things people would need to worry about should they want to/or have a game master who likes a […]

Quick Note – A Quick Update on nearly everything

With the “peak” time of year now here for my profession I have a nasty feeling that my ability to post a lot on the blog will be greatly reduced. Just the lose of my mornings in the last two weeks has negatively affected my ability to blog and to read the materials I would […]

Quick Note – Dragonshire Paper miniture site on sale

Dragonshire Deluxe Edition by Fat Dragon Games is currently on sale over at drivethrurpg for $3.25. The regular price is about $13.00 so the savings are excellent and quite honestly if your into the 3d terrian scene and on a budget you couldn’t do better than these guys. Take a look, pick it up, wow […]

Quick Note – I get Sappy!

Sometimes life can get very heavy. Things from every direction, even the unexpected directions that have no angels that a human mind can perceive strike you and weigh you down. Holidays, the shopping and money sink those Holiday’s represent, the ever-changing dynamic of family life and the collapse of a church community can all hit […]

OSR Rangers – Quick and Dirty rules for Power Rangers style gaming

Character Creation – Attributes The first stage of character creation for a Power Rangers style OSR game is the most difficult stage as it is the most deviant from normal OSR rules. This is because of the differences between the character in their civilian form and their ranger form. As stated in the newest incarnation […]

Quick Note – After the Storm

After the Storm Bundle 3 has just been released over at drivethrurpg. It features a lot of stuff, but in particular the OSR Cares bookwhich is 46 pages of monsters, maps, classes, races and adventures from the likes of +matt jackson, +Matt Finch, +Matthew Bannock and a slew more … including myself with a new race class raced on Filipino […]

Quick Note – Edge of Space _ Helena’s Gauntlet

So last night I put up a very short little story snippet that was very obvious set in +matt jackson‘s Edge of Space roleplaying game system. The same system that my previously published adventure “Horus Adrift: An Edge of Space Adventure” was set in. That story segment is the beginning of my next Edge of Space, […]

Quick Note – A clue to a small side project

The following is a clue and a preview and a hint at a small side project I am working on when taking a break from the ever bigger Innsfjord. no rewards or prizes if you get what it is … and no giving it away Mr +matt jackson. *~* “Yaris One! Repeat, Yaris One! This […]

Quick Note – The Tavern’s Santa Act

+Erik Tenkar of the most famous Tenkar’s Tavern blog will be running a Christmas season giveway this December. A lot of the OSR community, whether it be bloggers, developers or just enthusists have come together to help Erik out in that wonderful sense of Christmas spirit. Go take a look at what has come together so far […]

Quick Note – 5 Favorite Childhood movies I would love to RP in

1. The Hobbit (1978 animated movie version) The animated Hobbit film was by far one of the gretest influences on me growing up. I was a rather aimless little kid, sure I played outside, ran around pretending to be a cop (or typically a robber) but honestly nothing interested me all that much. One summer night […]

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