Patron-Supported Adventures – Return to the Yu-Ti

Return to the Yu-Ti is a new adventure for +matt jackson‘s Edge of Space setting/system and is a return to the SMC crew of the Sword of Hathor last seen in Horus Adrift. This adventure was release two days ago to my Patrons who will be getting a cleaned up version at the end of January […]

Quick Note – Update to Modern Basic Ability Checks & Sanity System

In the process of converting “Coming of the Night Train” to Fantasy Grounds I’ve updated the rules for Ability Checks and Sanity for the Basic Modern/Eldritch Shadows supplement I’m doing on the side. Tables don’t like to transfer over from my current word processor so I apologize about that. On a final side note, typing […]

Quick Note – Return to the Grounds of Fantasy

With Pyramids of the Lost King moving along nicely and the existence of my now broken wrist I have turned my attention to one of the possible stretch goals for the Kickstarter. Since my wrist is broken my ability to type has been greatly reduced because the angle my hand is stuck at in the […]

[Kickstarter] A not an Update

Last night for a friend’s birthday everyone gathered at my house and a small get together was had. Nearing 2 am the few remaining friends were informed of the kickstarter and one asked what it was all about. I explained it and he asked for a sample of my kickstarter and a similar one.I gave […]

[Quick Note] OSR in Biblical Judah?! HELL YES!

Unholy Land is an OSR hexcrawl adventure that was recently released over at OBS as a Pay-What-You-Want game. From the OBSpage: Judea, the year 2 BCE. Sometime soon, a baby will be born that will change the course of human history. This even is heralded by the arrival of a star, an omen shining down. […]

[Quick Note] Always had to be the Outcast

Back in the 90s after Magic: The Gathering took off and people were playing in every class, on park benches and in movie lines. Magic was popular, very popular. Even the “cool” kids at my middle school (and later high school) played the game … so, I refused to play. Instead I went for the […]

[Quick Note] Commissioned Card Sample!

Last night I got my first ever commission gig … for a custom card template. Below is the second to the final card for the commissioner, the final featured a longer text block and no picture. Thoughts? It needs to be said that all the graphic elements were adapted from a stock collection by Sade […]

[Kickstarter] Update 1 for PotLK

This is a repost for anyone who has not yet taken a look at the Kickstarter. Thank you everyone! This has been such a surprising and joyous time for me as I’ve seen the pledges and well wishes pour in! This is an amazing ride and one that I hope will keep up its speed […]

Quick Note – Cyclopean Deeps now available on OBS

Frog God Games has released volume one of +Matt Finch‘s Cyclopean Deeps for both Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry on OBS sites like Drivethrurpg and RPGnow. Volume 1 starts of the serial mini-campaign in a huge way, taking players through 4 fully released adventures and setting up the rest of the campaign. Cyclopen Deeps is NOT […]

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