General Update – GSR, EoS, and 5-minute Adventures
End of another week and so another update of all the projects I am involved with goes live! First off though I want to thank everyone who has picked-up a copy of “Horus Adrift” for the “Edge of Space” Roleplaying game, I have been very surprised those far by the reaction and cannot wait to […]
Quick Note – GSR Quick info on villian creation
I plan for GSR to come with a few pre-generated villians for the heroes to face. Minions of higher powers, mobsters, and low level alien threats, however, the crux of the villians/monster/creatures in GSR should be unque and made by the referee for his or her unque vision of the game. Villian Creation in a […]
Supers Update – Perks and Experience
Just a quick peak at a part of the system that is currently being developed and refined. Perks as currently planned are an utterly optional feature in the Supers system that is currently under development in my spare time. Previously we went over basic character creation, including abilities, powers and skills. These three things are […]