Quick Note – An experiment with a “new” system
I am not going to lie I enjoy D&D Next. It isn’t my favorite system and some of the rules during the playtest seemed strange to me. However, it is up there in terms of system enjoyment for me and I don’t think I will mind shelling out the $50.00 for the books when they […]
Quick Note – General Adventure 1 – The Murky Deeps for Sale
Trolling aorund rpgnow today looking for onsale/cheap stock art to collect for future use I cam across this recent re-release by WOTC of the TSR 2e adventure The Murky Deep. Now as many of the readers of Genius Loci know I was not gaming in the 2e days (or the 0e or 1e days) so […]
Blog Hop – Day’s 13 & 14 and a new Creature!
Day 13 – The First Miniature I Used Never used a miniature to be honest in any of the games that either I or one of the Brothers 4 ran. We never had battlemaps or talked in terms of grid. Everything was done in my head and with marks on the maps that I drew […]
Quick Note – D&D Kre-o
Once again this year, Hasbro has dropped the ball with D&D. First came the very small, very lack-luster press release for fifth Edition, than came the total non-response of the 40th birthday of The Game, and last week the Release of the Red Wizards Encounter material without the 3.5 or 4e material in “box”. I […]
D&D Blog Hop – Days 9 through 11
Day 9 – The Firs t Campaign Setting Stole my allowence for 3 years. The vast majority of the games I have run and the very few that I have been part of have been homebrew in nature. Once Eberron was played as a one shot when one of The Brothers Four picked up the […]
Quick Note – The D&D Next Launch Event
I will leave the details of and the beliefs in or against the multi-media launch of Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition and the event to better minds and pens than myself (see Dyvers and Tenkar’s Tavern). Why, because I’ll pick up the books that come out and pour over them the same way I did […]
Quick note: Dracolich!
Back during the 30 day challenge I mentioned that my favorite undead was a dracolich and it seems that WotC either heard me or it is just a coincidence, because today they released “Vault of the Dracolich” over at the various onebookshelf sites. From Drivethrurpg Deep in the forest of Cormanthor lies the hoard of […]
Quick Note – Insert Evil Laugh here
Last night I picked up the Dungeons & Dragons Creature Catalog from DnDclassics and all I can do as I flip through it is laugh evilly. Yes, there is a crap load of boring things in this book but there is so much potential awesome as well that I can use in home games or […]
30 Day Challenge – Day 18 – Them
My favorite Outsider? Hmm … I’d say Arsenal before the days of Red Arrow or the New 52 or any of that. There was just something about Roy Harper, trying to be a leader after having fallen so far and to work beside former teammates like Nightwing and Starfire who hadn’t strayed from the heroic […]
30 Day Challenge – Days 14 and 15 – Greenwood is my man!
Day – 14 Slate & Mihg plus Elminster The player was in the town square of the village of Luln. Around him the town burned its citizians running, screaming and dying at the hands of the goblin raiders. Before him, calmly sitting on a cracked fountain were two old men, a human in the brown […]