Building the DreadRider Tomb
The last lord of the LupineRider dwarf clan, DreadRider fell in battle against the combined might of the Elves, the Hill Dwarves of Nastead, and human knights. For a generation, the LupineRider Clan held the Chaos Forge deep in the Wo-Wood, in the Dwarven Stronghold of Mount Fang. No one of the nations knew of […]
Mini-Six: Goblin Slayer
Although it is not definite, I may be running a Goblin Slayer One shot for Mini-Six in a few weeks for my daughter, her girlfriend, and a few people from her weekly Adventurer’s League group. I’m stoked, to be honest, outside of P.I.E. I rarely get to play in Mini-Six and especially not in a […]
DrivethruRPG Open d6 Sub-Category – One Month Out
One month ago I somewhat succeed on my mission to get WestEnd Game’s d6 system recognized as its own category on DrivethruRPG. This post here explains my reasonings and this post explains the result (this way I am not rehashing words). TL;DR: WEG’s Open d6 is a robust system with a lot of excellent creators behind it […]
OBS Open d6 update – A Silver Lining
This morning – after having basically given up on it months ago – I got an e-mail from Scott Holden from One Book Shelf (Drivethru RPG people). While what he said was a bit of a downer he did offer hope at the end of the tunnel. For anyone that wants any context here are […]
[Kickstarter] Tiny Legacies
Tiny Legacies is a Tiny d6 powered supers game currently in development by Kyoudai Games (of Thunderscape fame) and has a Kickstarter in progress until Friday of this week. While I love both d6 systems and superheroes (see all the Prowlers and Paragons barking I did this spring) I am a little apprehensive. I’ve not […]
Tales of Eira – d6 Fantasy begins
When this blog first started back in 2012 it was subtitled “OSR with a Celtic Twist”. At the time much of my efforts were bent toward the creation, maintenance, and sharing of the loose OSR setting I used for the home game I ran for my daughter and her friends. This setting was called “Chronicles […]
D6 Follow-Up
This morning I received an e-mail from Chris Tang of One Bookshelf (the people who own DrivethruRPG) and to say the least, it is promising. With luck in a few weeks Open D6 (WEG D6) will have its own listing on the platform, allowing creators and fans of the system to more easily find and […]
WEG d6 the Lost
A number of years ago the OSR community managed to convince One Bookshelf, the owners of DrivethruRPG and the soon to be redacted RPGNow, to create a category for OSR games, systems, etc with-in the site, seperating it from the d20 systems category of the time. ON top of this, popular rulesets within the OSR […]
Patron Supported 5-Minute Adventures – Easy as Pie
With Halloween right around the corner and the release of The Nerdy Show’s Franchise Kit earlier this week I decided to whip out some old .pdfs, look over a Anti-Paladin’s Mini Six system and hit the bricks running … away from some ghosts! Typically my Patrons would get this 24 hours ahead of the blog, but […]