Guest – Creatures of Eira Preview
Cultural and Linguistic note: Guest was the pronunciation of “Ghost” in North England as a form of ghest or geist. So for Eira, a “Guest” is a form of Ghost in keeping with the Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh theme of the setting. Guest “For thirty years I lived in that house. Every night, I saw her by the […]
Asrai – Creatures of Eira Preview
In Celtic folklore the Asrai are a race of aquatic Fae. The Asrai are a shy and timid race and tend to fly at the sight of humans, however, their tall lithe forms are said to drive men to drown themselves in an attempt to catch an Asrai. They are unable to stand sunlight as […]
Soul Eater – A NOT S Generic Creature for the Crypts & Things Setting
Soul Eater “Always be on guard, lad. Always watch the dark corners of the world. We think the bugbears and goblins and that which we see is the face of evil. Watch the darkness or you will see evil, my boy.” – Willhim Tonks letter 45b. Fiends from the Outside that have found their way […]
Skeletal Horror – Generic Creatures for Any Setting
A short post today coming after 3 days of little kid birthday party, playing with (or held hostage by) a 2-year-old obsessed with “pomys!” (My Little Pony:FIM). I am starting to notice a theme with my “generic creatures” and that is horror movie. I need to broaden myself in that regard! Anyway! Enjoy the creature […]
The Road – Generic Creatures for Any Setting
The Road The Road is not really a road but a Presence and Force of the natural world that corrupts and changes its hunting grounds to suit its needs as a trap for the unwary. The road exists not here or there, but between realities and cannot be easily defeat by conventional means. The road […]
Bone Spiders – Generic Creatures for any setting
Bone Spider Hit Dice:3 to 6+2 Armor Class: 3 [16] Attacks: Bite (1d6+2) Saving Throw: 11 Special: Piercing weapons due half damage, 25% magic Resistance, Regenerate, Surprise, Undead, Web Alignment: Neutral Challenge Level/XP: 4 – 6/120 – 400 Bone Spiders are malign spirits who form their bodies from the bones of the dead and who […]
Wirry-Carle – Creatures of Eira Preview
In Celtic folklore the Wirry-Carle or Wirry- Cowe are a malevolent fae spirit that serves much the same purpose as bugbears and goblins in Northern Europe. As such there is little definitive information about these creatures as they morph to become whatever the teller of a tale needs them to be. In Eira however … […]
Addendum to Grate Tentacles & Stone Hold (Night) – Nidhog preview
A small addendum to Grate Tentacles that fall in with the creature’s special ability “Grapple” and the appearance of the creature. The grappled target of the Grate Tentacle can break free of the grapple with a successful saving throw. Grate Tentacles will appear suddenly and randomly, granting the creature surprise in initiative. ~*~ In the […]
Grate Tentacles – Generic Creatures for any setting
The following is a generic monster that can fit into nearly any setting and is not specific to Eira. Sorry for the short post today, everyone, busy day ahead and behind me already. For any who live in PA, I would just like to say I take I-81 to work. That should be explanation enough. […]