Category: Creatures

Into the Darkness

My love/hate relationship with World of Darkness and its offshoots is pretty well known.  In my early 20s when I first got into gaming (large part thanks to some Airmen in AIT) 3rd edition had just been released and I was all in.  Competing against that in my little microcism was White Wolf’s World of […]

5e Creatures – The Neverborn

The Neverborn are creatures created from the psychic echoes of those who – for whatever reason – never got the chance to live. The Neverborn are hateful creatures who abhor life and happiness and who wish to cause pain, misery, and death. Neverborn “haunt” places most frequented by children and latch onto an especially happy […]

[Mini-Review] Deviant Database: The Cow goes … BOOM!!!

Late last year when I discovered Mutant Future, +Tim Snider sent me his databases of creatures and a few other things to get me along the path of playing and running Mutant Future. Since then I have been rather busy with life, projects, kickstarters and the like. However, I have managed to run two very short Mutant […]

Quick Note – Another Card Test and a New Monster for S&W

With the print version of the Swords & Wizardry version of Assault on the Southern Horn underway and the battle map turning out to be awesome and released to the public I turn to my next Assault add-on. Thoughts? Front Back  The Creature Card pack will have around 20 to 25 cards featuring the creatures […]

vampire abilities varient 5e

Last night I went to see +Dracula Untold with my wife (a review tomorrow on Fili Archives) and found the movie a heck of a lot better than any of the reviews that came out on Friday claimed it to be. Yes it was a bit rushed in some places and drawn out in others, but over […]

Creature for Any Setting (5e) -Thelidu

The Thelidu are one of my favorite monsters from +Matt Finch‘s 0e Reloaded Monster Book for the Core Version of Swords & Wizardry. They make some pretty big appearances in Tomb of the Past Revealed and in Assault on the Southern Horn. Since I’m currently converting Assault on the Southern Horn to 5e I had to […]

The Glide Frog a Creature for Any Setting

A new creature for use in Swords & Wizardry (and most other OSR systems) and the Next Edition. Glide Frog The croak came from above them as they raced through the marsh lands. Looking up El saw the large dark green form of a frog gliding above them, long tongue lolling from its mouth. Type: […]

New Creature for any setting – The Gaistig (S&W and Next Edition)

Below is a new undead/Ghost enemy to be encountered in the deepest tombs and most dark places in any game. The Glaistig is based on a Scottish ghost by the same name. Unlike what is presented below the Glaistig of Scottish legend was often a benign … or at the very least neutrual spirit that […]

Creatures for any Setting S&W and Next – The Gortach

The following creature came about in the last game I played with my daughter. It is a mixture of a zombie and a wraith and is attracted to the smell of cooking food. My daughter found the creatures especially scary because of how the originally died (famine) and how they could instantly make a target […]

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