Author: GLG-Josh

Quick Note – Hall of the Dwarf King made Dyvers!

My most recent 5-minute adventure “Hall of the Dwarf King” Made +Charles Akins‘  best reads of the week for last week. I was quite impressed and fan-boy dancing when I found out … of course being that it was i the middle of Uno’s made it a bit embarrassing. That along with +Matt Finch‘s (you know the […]

Interview – Realm Works

I recently got the chance to do an interview with Liz Theis of Lone Wolf Development  about her company’s newest RPG tool Realm Works. Just a heads up, I am by no means a professional journalist or have even conducted an interview before this so there are probably important questions that I missed and follow-up oppuronities […]

Quick Note – More Unusual tables

Unusual Tables – Market Day I was trying to think of a new Genius Loci Scenario and although I had lots of ideas nothing really tickled my fancy too much so instead I present a synopsis of those ideas in the form of a random table for use in any town large enough to have […]

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