[Kickstarter] Mapforge

MapForge – battlemap creation software for tabletop RPGs project video thumbnail

Mapforge is an exciting new map creation tool that is currently in its final 3 days of funding over at kickstarter.   While nearly all the map creation tools I’ve encountered thus far are private use only Mapforge will have a commercial license for releases.

My goofing around with the prototype video:

Mapforge will be available for both PC and Mac (and I’m hoping either an eventual Linux release or easy WINE set-up).  There will be purchasable add-ons both in the commercial and private sectors of the hobby with the commercial generally looking to cost about $14.00 more than the private sector versions.

No word yet if you can upload your own tiles (I’d like to be able to use the lovely tiles +Frank Turfler makes for his patreon)

3 thoughts on “[Kickstarter] Mapforge

  1. "There will be purchasable add-ons both in the commercial and private sectors of the hobby with the commercial generally looking to cost about $14.00 more than the private sector versions."

    Where did THAT come from?! Prices for MapForge Add-Ons are at the same price or LOWER than the same content sold anywhere else, AND the Add-On has many advantages over the stand-alone PNGs (see https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/battlegrounds/mapforge-battlemap-creation-software-for-tabletop/posts/1815815)

  2. I think you are misunderstanding when I'm saying private sector I mean the addons that are personal use only are cheaper than the addons that allow for commercial license use within the context and only the context of the mapforge "store" when it comes out. for instance Gabriel Packard's personal use only add-ons are a combined total of about 21.00 dollars, while Steve Gaudreau's commercial use pack is a combined total of $55.00.

    I hope this clears up the misunderstanding.

  3. Oh, OK. Sorry, I misunderstood.

    Yes, artwork that is licensed for commercial use is more expensive, but that's not the only factor. In your example, Gabriel's art is low resolution, so can only be used in VTTs, whereas almost everyone else's artwork is higher-resolution and therefore also suitable for printing.

    In any case, I've seen a single artpack sold with commercial rights for around $250 (in a current Kickstarter, even), so Steve's work is super cheap, in comparison.

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