Building the DreadRider Tomb

The last lord of the LupineRider dwarf clan, DreadRider fell in battle against the combined might of the Elves, the Hill Dwarves of Nastead, and human knights. For a generation, the LupineRider Clan held the Chaos Forge deep in the Wo-Wood, in the Dwarven Stronghold of Mount Fang. No one of the nations knew of the Forge’s location, only of its power and how the Elemental Golems created by that fell Forge were ever able to overcome the Dragon Hoards. Dreadrider knew its location – his clan played host to the Dark Goddess’s Forge for over a thousand years and as Dreadrider fell, he knew so to that the secret of the Forge died with him and his kin.

Pulled from battle by his most loyal retainers Dreadrider was put to rest in his Stronghold, and the entrances collapsed and hidden so well that none would ever expect that Mount Fang had been a Dwarven Hold. In the throne of his father’s Dreadrider slept, his retainers singing the Dirge of the Forge Father with their anvils and their hammers – soon to would they follow their lord.

However, it was not to be as the Dark Goddess bound their souls to the Forge and forever made them the guardians of it.

Those the backstory of The Chaos Forge – a long in development (forgotten, unearth, pondered over, abandoned, and picked back up) adventure for D6 and S&W – goes. Generations later a town has started to mine Mount Fang, the Stronghold is unburied and foolhardy adventures are tasked with assuring the safety of the miners. The adventure is short, with three encounter areas, a few opportunities for a random encounter, and – hopefully – a night of fun of all at hand.

Unlike previous adventures that I quickly cobbled together and barely playtested, I want this to go smoothly. As such I have started to build up the encounter areas for my live-play group. Find below the pictures of the King’s Throne (WIP

The dwarven statues still need to be painted and the altar in the middle will be replaced by a coffin that I am waiting to receive and paint. I use UDT as created by DMCraft. This particular UDT was made by me over the course of a week. Other props are as follows:

Doors, Dwarven throne, and Dwarven Alter: Mantic Terrain rate:

Dwarven Statues: Majestic Miniatures:

Dwarven Pillars: Middlotr:

Braziers (out of stock): McKeeMorology

All painting save the pillars was done by me.

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