I want to apologize to everyone for not having the second part of my Victorian mini-adventure ready, I am rather sick and my brain is far too foggy for much coherent thinking.
That said, I had wanted to bring this to the attention of my readers anyway and was planning on a dual post today … now only one post. Again, apologizes.
Blood & Justice: Welcome to Nocturne is the current Kickstarter from Evil Beagle Games who previously ran the highly successful Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition Kickstarter. While P&P was a setting and a ruleset it was most concerned with the creation and mechanics of an easy to learn Supers RPG. Blood & Justice on the other hand gets more into the nitty-gritty of the world, particular the sections where the light is a little dimmer, the streets a lot more worn, and the line between hero and villain is fuzzy.
From the Kickstarter:
Blood & Justice: Welcome to Nocturne presents a gritty Iron Age superhero setting, a dark and frightening place where ordinary people live in terror of crime and senseless violence.
Continually fighting to keep from sinking into the swamp on which it was built, Nocturne is a city of intrigue, danger, and adventure. It’s a wretched place to live—heavy with the stink of rot and death, blazingly hot in the summer, freezing cold in the winter, humid and rainy year-round. The crossroads of a dozen cultures over its nearly four centuries of existence, Nocturne is filled with mystery and decadence.
You play vigilantes and antiheroes—brave souls fighting not only the evil of the world but the darkness in their own hearts. The heroes deal with rampaging gangs, organized crime, amoral corporations, corrupt government officials, weird supervillains, and even terrible monsters in their battle for justice.
The Setting/Source Book is Written by Bill Keyes (Cities of Wonder) and appears to continue with the same interior art style as the previous P&P release.
The Kickstarter is a short one having only launched on Monday lasting 17 more days. Funding has already been successful so now it is a matter of the stretch goal which is a Villain book and priced at an ambitious $14K.
Click the link, take a look and see you on the streets!