Quick Note – Fantasy and Commission Barking!
Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up on two excellent gaming artist out there their prices/paetron campaigns! First up is Mavfire (whose real name and/or google + I don’t know). an excellent black and white artist that has been on the cover of & Magazine and produces some quality work that I’d love to put a […]
Bisoman – Races of Usarm
The work on my next two-page adventure is ramping up, and this time it will feature something special: two new races as class to optional use with the adventure and all upcoming fantasy two-page adventures. Below you’ll find my favorite of the two races as class done up for S&W core, S&W Whitebox and Next. […]
Quick Note – Horus rising
I have previously mentioned that Horus Adrift is my best “selling” adventure to date. Part of this is due to it being a pwyw title, but I would also like to think that a ship-based space marine adventure is the other part. I have made some money from the game and as I have previously […]
[Quick Note] Thunderscape’s First Adventure Path Begins
As I’ve mentioned before I am a huge fan of Thunderscape’s premise and was a big supporter of its Kickstarter last year. I have since gotten my hardcopy of the book (only the second time a kickstarter ponied-up what it promised for me) and have poured through it a few times in hopes of someday […]
Quick Note – Courageous Chromatic Power Commandos
Last night I was talking to the wife about wanting to do another pay-what-you-want title. She was not all that pleased as she thinks I wasted a lot of potential by making Horus Adrift pwyw (it has nearly a thousand sales, only 30 of which weren’t free). I reasoned that it was Horus’s status as […]
Quick note – Style guides or Why I want a Beer
Reading through +Frog God Games style guide for S&W to familiarize myself with how the professionals do it and just in case I ever get the chance to freelance for them (pipe dreams, I know). All I have to say is that there are a lot of rules to digest… a lot more than I ever thought. Much […]
Quick Note – Dinosaurs, Centaurs and Bison-Men … Oh My!
As I finish the layout and typing of the cells within Innsfjord I am also planning my next fantasy 2-page adventure. Like the last it will support S&W Core and will in some minor ways connect to the previous two adventures. As the title says I’m being a tad ambitious with this one as it will […]
Quick Review – The Caverns of Ugard
A few days ago +Shane Ward of The Three Toadstools released his first adventure over at drivethrurpg.com. I’ve had the chance to pick-up the adventure, called The Caverns of Ugard, and run it through with the NPCs I typically use for playtesting my own adventures. The Caverns of Ugard is a low-level adventure developed for […]
Quick Note – Top 100, woohoo!
Joy in a Flask has reached the top 100 on bothe drivethrurpg and rpgnow! Usually I just break into RPGnow … So this is a very good sign! Also, 5-star review!
Quick Note – Does it Really Count
Spelljammer is one of those things that I’ve always regretted missing out on and at the same time have shied away from at every opportunity. The entire concept of the setting is amazing to me and screams at long odds and playing as a member of a fantasy version of the Starjammers! Have I mentioned […]