Quick Note – This Grand World

This morning I played a quick game of “Grand World” with 3 other people who will remain nameless. 

What is Grand World? 4th Edition D&D basically but used as a subsystem. Esentially Grand World is a Fantasy MMO in which is “leaking” into the real world. The players are normal MMO gamers who have been affected by the leaks and are now investigating them in game while still trying to be “normal” MMO gamers. 

Today’s game was a micro-dungeon located in the fields of Gloomwood, the last place the Half-Elf Bard was before a TPK that ended with her waking up in a real-world hospital with elf ears. The party found the Dungeon Boss and discovered it was out of synch with the game granting it far more power than normal for a low-level Boss. The session ended with the Defensive Fighter getting hit by a critical and finding himself wounded in the real world.

So far I’ve found this to be a wonderful way of using 4e because it maintains the tactical aspect of the system while also inviting roleplay from the players in a meta-game kind of way.  If I was truly interested I think I would delve deeper into this idea. As it stands though it is a fun way to spend an early Saturday morning before my family wakes up.

Now, here’s the big question: How the hell am I still awake after +Robert Quintero‘s utterly awesome 5e game kept me up to 0115 this morning and “Grand World” started at 0430?

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