The next adventure in the Usarm series is almost complete! Here is a peek at the cover and the rear cover blurb! The entire adventure is 13 pages and features cover by Deadguybeer (formly U369) who provided the covers for Under the Horn and Spectres of Usarm, and +Frank Turfler‘s wonderful art and cartography for the interior art.
In the swamp lands of southern Usarm a horn, glowing and bright has erupted from the fetid earth. The town of Backbend has become lost within the swamps it once boarded and its people have vanished. Tyor, Sage of the Mage Academy in Coralius, and his young apprentice Cami have been sent to investigate and discover the nature of the swamp’s encroachment and that of the glowing Southern Horn.
What Tyor finds is a town overrun with Dark Elves and strange beings. Cami is taken in the night and Tyor desperate and alone sends a plea over psychic webs. Come to Backbend, breach the horn and discover its secrets and the plans of the Dark Elves … and most of all save the apprentice he regards as a daughter!
“Assault on the Southern Horn” is the Longest Usarm adventure yet! 6 pages of adventure that answer questions and summon many new and possibly campaign shattering ones!