Barking – Adventures in the East Mark
Wanted to bring this up earlier in a longer post, but now I must be quick. Adventures in the East Mark is an OSR game from Spain. Currently their is a kickstarter to translate and reproduce the product for sale in the U.S. (in English) in a number of boxed sets starting with the Red […]
Quick Note – More Random Wizard Trolling!
(1). Should energy drain take away one level of experience points from the character? Yes or No? If no, what should level drain do? Yes, level drain should take the character back 1 level of experience points but that should be it. The character should still have access to all of his or her proper […]
Updated – D101 Games Tomb of the Necromancers
UPDATE (1500 EST): According to +Newt Newport over at D101 Games “Tomb of the Necromancers” was accidently released early and has now been pulled. It will be made available next week. Until then I count the days and I promise I’ll update as soon as it is out! D101 Games, the guys who released the great […]
Quick Note – Insert Evil Laugh here
Last night I picked up the Dungeons & Dragons Creature Catalog from DnDclassics and all I can do as I flip through it is laugh evilly. Yes, there is a crap load of boring things in this book but there is so much potential awesome as well that I can use in home games or […]
Quick Note – Preview of my next adventure
The below is a little snippet of one of the two halloween adventures I am craft for an end of month release. This one, while labelled as a “5-Minute Adventure” is closer in nature to a traditional adventure and will be longer. It will still use the SC (Standard Currency) label and a few other […]
Edge of Space – The Corridor: An Edge of Space Scenario
The Corridor An Edge of Space Scenario for 3 to 5 players Edge of Space Setting Over two hundred years ago humanity broke the bounds of our home system and spread through out our arm of the Milky Way galaxy. As are all things with humanity eventually war between the colonies and home government tore […]
Quick Note – The Pile
After the release of “Horus Adrift” I must admit I was kind of burnt. I spent the weekend taking care of my son who was sick and running a fever and just trying to relax. For the most part the later wasn’t happening as it was not just my son but my wife who was […]
Quick Note – A Blip on the Screen
Last Thursday after I released Horus Adrift I noticed a title on the RPGnow front page “Highlander: The New Era”. It was a $2.00 item and only 18 pages. Being that it was a Thursday and I don’t get paid until Friday I put the item in my wishlist and promptly forgot about it. Until […]
Quick Note – Congratulations Venger and Wow!
First off, congratulations +Venger Satanis for how well your adventure “The Liberation of the Demon Slayer” is doing. Life and sick child have kept me from finishing and reviewing thus far, but I’m about half way through and I can tell you it is well deserved. I want your talent and following ancient traditions I learned […]
Quick Note – Put your wallets away
Some of you may have noticed that Horus Adrift: An Edge of Space Adventure is now listed as a “Pay What You Want” title. I do NOT want money (not with this adventure anyway). I have heard a rumor that “Pay What You Want” titles get more front page exsposure and I would like the “Edge […]