Guest – Creatures of Eira Preview
Cultural and Linguistic note: Guest was the pronunciation of “Ghost” in North England as a form of ghest or geist. So for Eira, a “Guest” is a form of Ghost in keeping with the Celtic/Gaelic/Welsh theme of the setting. Guest “For thirty years I lived in that house. Every night, I saw her by the […]
Asrai – Creatures of Eira Preview
In Celtic folklore the Asrai are a race of aquatic Fae. The Asrai are a shy and timid race and tend to fly at the sight of humans, however, their tall lithe forms are said to drive men to drown themselves in an attempt to catch an Asrai. They are unable to stand sunlight as […]
Quick Note: Saving Throw Modifier over Straight Saving Throw
From my understand of the rules in Swords & Wizardry and a lot of other Retro-clones, A character has a straight Saving Throw (ST) that he or she must roll in order for something to happen (or not to happen). Sometimes their are situation modifiers that affect the ST but overall it is a straight […]