I can quit anytime & Wanderers at night

Last week a game I have wanted for a long time went on sale. A game I purposely did not buy due to my lack of ability to manage my time whenever an MMO involves itself in my life. That game was Funcom’s third entry into the MMO Genre “The Secret World”.
Back in 2011 I was part of “The Secret World” beta, and originally wrote the game off as another generic MMO with but the skin of the modern world and built in roleplay. At that time I was dismayed that none of the promises I perceived the creators made were not met. I was running and gunning (or magicking in this case) zombies instead of delving into an investigative mystery with shades of Lovecraft. I was managing stats instead of allowing my character progress “naturally”. The list then, as my wife can attest, was nearly endless.
After launch and the normal Funcom launch issues, however, I heard nothing but good things from old guild-mates, news sites and so further. When the game went subscription-free (ala Guild Wars) a scant few months after release my mouth watered. However, my life at the time was no place for an MMO, children, work and just life forbade

such a thing. Last week, however, flush with the fact that –  through luck and the grace of Moradin – I kept my job, I took the plunge and bought the game. As of right now, I am only wading back to the edges to try and not let what I’ve been trying to build fall apart.

Now that my explanation is over with I once again move toward the green fields, lush highlands and rolling mountains of Eira. A land of magic, and sylvan forests. In the Lands of Eira, most threats are not from foes and monsters that live next door. Goblin Tribes exist true, but more fearful are the spirits and Beings that call Eira home. A Goblin ambush on a ill-traveled road may be spotted, but the wooshing howl and attack of a Padfoot will almost always be a surprise.
Take for instance the Gwyllion; a spirit of no true form that roams the road-sides, a clearings that criss-cross the land. The Gwyllion is an imprint, one that has multiplied and transcended its true origin. A mish-mash of the feelings of loss and hopelessness, the fear of travelers who died along the roads throughout history.
Remember, roads are a magic onto themselves,  creations of sentient beings to connect, broaden and explore other places and peoples. Roads have the power to create and destroy (see again the Padfoot). As such, the Gwyllion, is a mixing of the latent energies of those that have died on the roads. This bodyless force is always one, but always many, able to take form in different places at different times, and to affect different people along the road.
The Gwyllion is always proceeded by a low wailing, like the sound of the wind through a bottle, when it appears, it does so in the shape of a young girl or an old woman. If invited to join the travelers or camp, the Gwyllion, will accept for the night. When the travelers awake she will be gone and a single gold piece will be found in the camp or wagon. However, if the Gwyllion is ignored her wailing will increase to painful levels (50% chance of growing confused) and she will attack the travelers soon after they pass or see her (1d4 rounds, counts as surprise).
Hit Dice:  3HD
Armor Class: 5 [14]
Attacks:  1d6  “Claw” attack – see below, Wail – See Below
Saving Throw: 14
Special:  Wail, Non-Magic Weapons do half-damage  
Move: 45′, rough terrain does not hinder
Alignment: Neutral
Challenge Level/XP: 3/60
Claw Attack: The Gwyllion cannot directly kill those they fight. Their claw attack, instead, drains the target of their vitality until they target is knock unconscious.

Wail: The Gwyllion, lets out a horrible wail encompassing all the anguish and pain of all those who have previously died on the roads. If the target fails their saving throw they are confused for 1d6 rounds and have a negative 3 to all actions.
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